is sulfur: sulfur objective that it's really pure (good). For according
to their better quality of sulfur (clean), and will have a high price. This
sulfur is not mixed with a boiled water, but when the sulfur is then
subject to excessive heat will melt by itself. such as in mining (new
sulfur flowing from a mine). So the color is reddish. After boiling the
sulfur prepared in filtered using cheesecloth.
Sulfur cooking is done every day, except Friday and the workers are all off. Residents to work cooking sulfur: they do not get a reward by any cook or a day's work, but they are using the system volume (two or three trucks: more or less severe 12/13 tons, in one d`y). Then the stout man who worked 14 people, around the clock in the morning from 08:00 - until late afternoon 03:00 hours. Sulfur is in getting from where sulfur mining, then in place of cooking trasver sulfur, ... so after the cooking process is complete so back and packed in a small sack, contains a 50 kilo grams weight of sulfur, then be ready for marketing.
And then the sulfur collected in the warehouse to await orders from factories that need it. Sulfur in order to mix makeup, medicine itchy, bleach sugar, etc.
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